Professor’s TEDx Talk Shares Why We Need Teachers

Reflections on the value of teaching and what it means to be a teacher…

This is a particularly good Ted Talk.  Favourite quotes include:

  • The infinite information search engines provide us today translates into zero knowledge.  If there is not a filtering of relevant information and establishment of links among the relevant bits if information infinite information tends to zero knowledge; and,
  • Innovation in education is not that hard.  It is a sum.  It is a sum of generosity, gratitude and inspiration.

Definitely worth listening to.  Catch it here…

A Bill of Rights and Principles for Learning in the Digital Age

Work on this Bill of Rights & Principles began in Palo Alto, California, on December 14, 2012. We convened a group of people passionate about learning, about serving today’s students, and about using every tool we could imagine to respond better to the needs of students in a global, interactive, digitally connected world. 

Learn more, and read the full Bill of Rights at Edsurge.